Ice Bear wins best documentary
We're proud to announce that Ice Bear has won best documentary at the Marbella International Film Festival last week. This is now the...

Ice Bear to screen at Marbella International Film Festival
Ice Bear was officially seleced to be part of the Marbella International film festival back in June. The festival runs this week...

New Ice Bear website
In preparation of Ice Bears first internation screening at the Marbella International Film Festival, We've just launched a brand new...

Suspects - Series 2 trailer
Channel 5 have just released the Suspects series 2 trailer. Click here to watch it.

Street Fighter - World Warrior
Very exciting news. Off the back of the success from Street Fighter: Assassin's fist, Series 2 has now been given the go-ahead....

Suspects - Series 2
The latest project I've had the pleasure of working on is series two of S uspects, Channel 5's new ground breaking crime drama. I've...